Dear Josie,
Yesterday I went to Victoria Park with some friends - the weather is starting to be really nice and warm, and we couldn't miss a day in the sun (even though essays are due soon and exams are in one month). We also took a walk in the area around the park, it really felt we were in a dream: fabulous houses and beautiful people, trees in blossom, loads of cyclists; we couldn't stop smiling! It was one of those moments when I realise to be really fond of London.
I'm really looking forward to move out somewhere else, plus house hunting is one of my favourite things ever!
My friend Sephy took some pictures of me and the beanie I finished knitting this week: I'm so proud of it, I've always wanted to have a white one and now I made it myself! I'm sure you understand the happiness of creating your own things and put them on the second after they're done. It's a bit of a shame that I have to wait for the next winter to actually use it, I'm looking forward to that.
Oh, and I was wearing my new favourite blouse in the world - Tarzan comics!