Dear Josie,
I have been seeing loads of live music lately, and I feel like sharing this with you. Here there are some of the concerts I went to, I'm definitely making the most of London!

Lulu and the lampshades (such a cool name for a band! - I didn't know them before I went to see Peggy Sue, but it was a really nice surprise)

Lykke Li (she played at Rough Trade on the day of the launch of her new CD: the concert was only for those who bought the album that same day. It was awesome, we got a brand new CD and a concert all together! It was just a bit upsetting that she played only a 5 songs set..)

Iron and Wine (I saw them yesterday, a really moving concert)
Plus, we hosted at our place a small concert of Emmy the Great, who is probably my favourite singer. She was part of Pledge Music, a platform for artists who want to stay independent from the big music labels. She was raising money for her second album, and one of the things you could contribute with was having a gig in your living room (we actually were in the studio at the back of the garden). For all the time of the concert I couldn't believe she was there, in my house, playing all the songs I have been listening to for the last two years. It has been probably one of my happiest moments of my entire life, and my sense of awe lasted for days. It turned out that we knew the songs better than her, I felt a bit nerdy for that..
These pictures were taken by my lovely flatmate Simone.

What great pics!