Dear Josie,
as you know I have just finished exams and holidays have started, there's lots I want to do this summer, and I'm sure I will never get bored in this city! My mum is visiting me for a week, and today we had a long and exciting day: we started from Borough market, near London Bridge, had a coffee at Monmouth (I think one of the best places to have an espresso in London, it's also really cool inside, perfect to read a book). Then, we finally managed to go to the design museum - it was two years I was waiting for this moment, the last times I went it was always closed! - and it didn't disappoint me. There was an exibition on the 100 best design objects of the year, and another one on a Dutch designer. As we were already south of the river, we went to Brixton for a coffee and a cake at the Ritzy cinema, it was so windy that it felt as if we were at the sea! I really like Brixton, even though I don't know the area very much. Did I tell you that I'm writing my final dissertation on it? Maybe I'll get to be there more often next year.
After that, we went to the Barbican centre to see Ravi Shankar, the Indian composer who plays the sitar (which I think has become my favourite instrument in the world). The concert was absolutely wonderful, besides the fact that I've never seen such a sweet old man, he's 91 but he's still really incredible and funny as well.
I'm so tired now, but another day like this is waiting tomorrow. Wish you were here. x
Find Wally!

The Uk pavilion at the Shanghai expo 2010, isn't it cool?
A sweet Lego collection, made in collaboration with Muji
This chair was made out of recycled refrigerators!

The view on Tower Bridge from the museum
Ravi Shankar after the concert
Ohhh I wish I was there too! I am so jealous. I miss you sooo much! ANd London too. These photos remind me of such good times :) Lets go get Leons tomorrow and steal a tray, then get ice cream and sit in the sun and read magazines!!! xxx